Back in the days when things weren't so hyper-regulated, my siblings and I used to take turns spending the night with my dad while he worked at the hospital. We'd hob-nob with the various docs and nurses and learn all sorts of interesting and disgusting things about the medical emergencies people find themselves in. I'm … Continue reading Connor’s Question
Mission and Storytelling
?That which we have seen, which we have heard, which we have touched with our hands ? that we proclaim to you. We declare to you what we have seen and heard so that you also may have fellowship with us; and truly our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son Jesus Christ.? … Continue reading Mission and Storytelling
Statement of Faith
Following is the statement of faith I've prepared for my final examination before the Presbytery on the 15th of September. I thought I might put it out here to see what you think. Any comments or challenges are welcome!
There is only One God who alone in all the cosmos deserves honor, glory and praise. God alone is the source, the measure and the purpose of all creation. God exists as He has revealed Himself in history: Father, Son and Holy Spirit – three coequal, co-eternal persons selflessly affirming one another in perfect community. From the boundless resources of this inner abundance, the Triune God creates, sustains, governs and redeems all the cosmos. In selfless love, God extended Himself in the act of creation. God made all things to His glory and upon completion they were rightly declared to be whole and good.
Spring 2007
Dear Friends, Our intention for some time now has been to send you quarterly prayer letters and this no doubt would have made it much easier for us to communicate our experiences in depth. But we have been so incessantly busy this year that writing and publishing a prayer letter has been relegated to the … Continue reading Spring 2007
Vancouver Immersions
This is a short reflection paper I wrote for a course entitled "Breaking the Chains: Resisting Structural and Personal Evil" taught by Bob Ekblad in Fall of 2005. Our assignment was to visit and observe a poor district and a business district of Vancouver for two hours each and to write a reflection paper on … Continue reading Vancouver Immersions