What would remain of a church if all of its institutional buttressing were removed? A great wind blows and takes away the roof and the walls. The bookkeeper checks on accounts only to find that the last cent on reserve has been spent. Paid leaders and staff hang on as long as possible but eventually … Continue reading Congregational Mapping – A Proposal
Ruths Solution 3:3 – Winning Strategies
Until now, I have spent most of my time setting the scene and - I hope - dramatizing the tensions that are written between the lines of Ruth's story. But the real magic of the story is not encoded in the setting or the narrative or even the social positions and potentials of the various … Continue reading Ruths Solution 3:3 – Winning Strategies
Ruths Solution 2:3 – Power and Influence
"Power and Influence" My present interest in Ruth's story arises in part from a hypothetical interest in what it would take to truly integrate a refugee into a foreign community. But I am also intrigued by the possibility that simple relational strategies enabled a relatively small social success that contributed directly to the rise of … Continue reading Ruths Solution 2:3 – Power and Influence
Ruths Solution 1:3 – Introduction
In the history of every community, there are points when the future success of the many hangs on the behavior of the few. These moments may be dramatic and perilous, like the cold December morning in 1237 AD when Russian emissaries from the walled city of Ryazan turned their backs on an army of Mongol warriors who had demanded their … Continue reading Ruths Solution 1:3 – Introduction