Dear Friends, Our intention for some time now has been to send you quarterly prayer letters and this no doubt would have made it much easier for us to communicate our experiences in depth. But we have been so incessantly busy this year that writing and publishing a prayer letter has been relegated to the … Continue reading Spring 2007
“Chosen, Holy and Beloved”
“Chosen, Holy and Beloved” Knox Presbyterian Church December 31, 2006 Introduction Welcome to Knox Presbyterian Church on this, the last day of the year 2006. I must confess that I always feel a bit hesitant about the kind of self reflection I know I’m supposed to be doing today. I have a checkered history with … Continue reading “Chosen, Holy and Beloved”
A call to risk for Christian men
At the end of our summer, Lea and I were at the Alongside Ministries International Conference in France. While there, I had a great conversation with a fellow from California. We wrestled together through what it means for a man's passions for struggle, sacrifice and risk to be excercised in the context of the Christian … Continue reading A call to risk for Christian men