Below is my response to an article an inquisitive friend emailed to me earlier this year by Christopher Caldwell. As a number of other voices have done recently, Caldwell argues that Russia's military action in Ukraine is best understood as a predictable reaction to NATO "expansion". My friend asked for my perspective and I thought … Continue reading Q. Ukraine – Is NATO expansion to blame?
Ukrainitsi v Rapli
(Feature image by Pastor Craig Goodwin, Spokane, WA) I haven't been active on the blog now for quite some time because since early March my attention has been focused on welcoming, accommodating and assisting Ukrainian refugees who are settling in Rapla as they wait out the war in their homeland. Gathering what we have learned … Continue reading Ukrainitsi v Rapli
Pensively Pastoral: A Reader’s Advisory
I have been struggling to know where to start my next blog series entitled "Pensively Pastoral". The purpose of the series is to outline some of the problems that I see with our conception of the pastorate - at least in the traditions and settings I am familiar with. However, I fear this series will … Continue reading Pensively Pastoral: A Reader’s Advisory
Mission in the Cloud
My last few posts have been riffs on re-imagining our approach to evangelizing a whole cultural-geographical area. Missio-mandering introduced our Union's approach to administrative regions and discussed whether the limitations of the current system might be alleviated by redistricting. This may seem like a purely political question but for rural pastors geographical proximity to partners … Continue reading Mission in the Cloud
Bottles or Pipes?
This video is a visual summary of some of my recent thinking on the changing nature of congregational ministry in Estonia. I'm thinking in particular of the way that resources can be intentionally shared between congregations and leveraged for greater missional effectiveness.
Congregational Mapping – A Proposal
What would remain of a church if all of its institutional buttressing were removed? A great wind blows and takes away the roof and the walls. The bookkeeper checks on accounts only to find that the last cent on reserve has been spent. Paid leaders and staff hang on as long as possible but eventually … Continue reading Congregational Mapping – A Proposal